“Auspicous Debut.. makes you eager for Domalpalli’s next work”
— Vibhuti Patel, Newsweek
“Beatuful and heart-touching film from India, represents a miracle of casting... Domalpalli tells his story with tender precision, and never an awkward moment”
— [ Top 5 Foreign Films of 2007 ] Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times
“A film that touches the heartstrings”
— Deborah Young, Variety
“This is a movie exotic in look but recognizable in truth, the venture of a novice filmmaker very much ready for prime time”
— Sid Smith, Chicago Tribune / LA Times
“If Domalpalli keeps this up, he might become something new for movies - a discreet combination of Satyajit Ray and Douglas Sirk”
— Wesley Morris, Boston Globe
“Bhukya... is a marvel in this complex role”
— Chelsea Bain, Boston Herald
“Meet bright-eyed Vanaja.. possessed of a spirit as large and a smile as wide as the Indian Ocean”
— Carrie Rickey, Philadelphia Inquirer
“Sublime direction...wonder-filled film”
— David Wiegand, San Francisco Chronicle
“Vanaja.. is a perfect example of why there are hard core fans of film festivals who put their lives on hold and with sandwiches in hand, line up to see every film they can”
— Sheridan Sansegundo, Hamptons Star
“The cast... manage to give depth to their roles that a seasoned professional would envy”
— Phillip Francis, The News & Observer
“Uniquely of this one place and time yet classically potent and universally recognizable, this is a film stunning both visually and emotionally”
— Maryann Johanson, Flick Fliosopher
“Vanaja.. was one of the most remarkable works presented at Toronto”
— David Walsh, wsws.org
“Vanaja.. is relevant and strong, both Socially and Politically”
— Oscar Peyrou, International Federation of Film Critics
“No lie: This is the wonderful and wondrous antithesis of Bollywood, Hollywood”
— Marc Savlov, Austin Chronicle
“Bhukya’s performance make ‘Vanaya’ one helluva student film”
— Mark Hinson, Tallahassee Democrat
“Adds to the glory of.. All Cinema”
— David Noh, Film Journal
“Rajnesh Domalpalli’s film.. has a perfect young star in Mamatha Bhukya”
— David Elliott, San Diego Union-Tribune
“The accomplished result is a... completely surprising story fully realized.”
— Donna Korando, St. Louis Beacon
“Domalpalli’s real accomplishment is his ability to balance this external, crowd-pleasing stuff ... with the internal questions regarding the continued caste struggles of South India”
— Christopher Campbell, Cinemtical
“A unique and fascinating film with the soul of an artist”
— Susan Dunne, Courant.com
“An uncommonly unsaccharine take makes for absorbing, if upsetting, viewing”
— Theresa Smith, ToNight, S.Africa
“A wondrous piece of filmmaking... gently pushes at its audience’s sensibilities, offering what for many will seem like an outrageous situation but shading it with emotions both complex and utterly realistic”